Colosseum - a special Duel mode only available in the final week's River Race for clans that finished the half-length River Race. If a Duel ends in a stalemate (both players have the same amount of Tower hitpoints after a tiebreaker), a coin flip will then decide the winner. If a Duel is completed with only 2 War Decks, the 3rd War Deck will stay available for use in other modes. Duels reward more Gold than 3 separate 1v1 Battles would. 3 War Decks must be available for use to play this mode. Duels - a best of 3 set of 1v1 Battles. 1v1 Battle - functionally identical to those on ladder. They will reward Gold (on Training Days) or Medals and Gold (on Battle Days) with more being rewarded upon a victory. On the River are various River Tasks that participants can attempt. Personal Choice - can consist of any card. Interestingly, Earthquake can appear as a Big Spell, but will not appear as a Small Spell. Big Spell - consists of spell cards that cost above 4 Elixir, like Freeze, Lightning, or Rocket. Small Spell - consists of spell cards that cost below 4 Elixir, like Zap, Giant Snowball, and Arrows. Anti-Air - consists of cards that can attack air troops, like Hunter, Spear Goblins, and Witch. Distraction - generally consists of cheap troops and swarm cards, like Heal Spirit, Fire Spirit, and Goblins. Mini Tank - consists of grounded troops with relatively high hitpoints, like Knight, Prince, and Battle Healer. Tower Defender - consists of troops or buildings that do not target Crown Towers like Barbarians, Goblin Hut, and P.E.K.K.A. Tower Destroyer - generally consists of building-targeting units like Giant, Elixir Golem, and Hog Rider. Tapping on unfilled card slots will make a prompt pop up with 3 cards and a role that they can fill, giving the player the option to add 1 of the 3 or reroll the choices available to them. Next to the "Average Elixir cost" metric in the deck builder, there is a "Magic" wand button that can randomly create a deck out of unused cards. Once a War Deck is used, it cannot be used again until the following day.
Cards cannot be repeatedly used across decks all 4 decks must be comprised of 32 unique cards. Players will create 4 different War Decks using their own card collection and levels.If a Clan fails to play enough battles before the end of the war, participants will still receive a small amount of rewards in the form of a boot.
If a Clan does not reach the Finish Line before the Clan War ends, they will receive a Chest as long as they have played enough battles to be considered participating.Once a Clan reaches the Finish Line, they receive a special Chest containing different rewards based on their placement.The first 3 days of a Clan War are Training Days, where Clan Boats cannot progress on the river or be attacked (battles only reward Gold, while the last 4 days are Battle Days which do allow Clan Boats to progress to the Finish Line (battles reward Medals and Gold).Participating in battles at all rewards "Medals", which help the Clan progress towards the Finish Line, as well as Gold. The goal of the war is to reach the River Race's finish line before the other Clans by engaging in battle. However, all battles are matched against random opponents. Additionally, only up to 50 unique participants can play in each day's Clan War. Dropping below the eligible threshold will not remove a Clan mid-War. However, the Clan must have at least 10 eligible participants to start a War. All Clan members who are at least King Level 6 and have attacks left are able to participate.Each War will last for 4-5 weeks, with 1 “River Race” each week. Clan Wars are always ongoing they do not need to be started by a Leader or Co-leader.Clan Wars are found under the Clan tab.In Clan Wars, Clans compete against other Clans for rewards and Clan Trophies.