Q: I want to be in a static? Why don't the leaders organize it!? Why don't the leaders do "X" for me?! Every class and job is accessible on a single character. You don't have to cap them all, but dabble in each one to see which really does anything for you. What I WILL advise is trying out every job.
That's really only a problem if you're not in a Free Company going it alone though, so again- pick what you like and play the hell out of it. tanks are almost always in highest demands and DPS are typically in the least demand). Do note that this game uses the standard trinity MMO design so whatever you choose will be subject to the Tank/DPS/Healer demands (i.e. So, just find something you're good at and enjoy and chances are you'll find a place for yourself. Now if you're talking about endgame content, that's always changing so whatever answer I could give you today will be almost irrelevant in a month. We don't need anything other than people who want to play the character and job they want at the pace they want. Q: What class/job should I chose? What do you guys need? Hell it's still going, why not go enjoy that if it's what you want?

If you want to play Final Fantasy XI, my advice is to go play Final Fantasy XI, not this. The era of Everquest-esque MMOs (FFXI) has long since passed. You have to be willing to let go of a lot of things you like about those games in order to enjoy this one (though this game is more similar to the modern age of MMOs that WoW set as a standard). The same type of logic could be applied to people who really love World of Warcraft and want to switch over. Most of the people who loved FFXI really loved FFXI and most of the things that title did are nowhere to be seen in the revamp of FFXIV (there were quite a few parallels in 1.0 though, so I'll just let that simmer). On the off chance nobody is around, there's also this thread, which is still useful: Someone will likely be on that can send you an invite. If you just want to see the story and world though, you can enjoy the ride in about as much time as you could any other JRPG.Īsk in the #ffxiv channel. As usual with these games, once you get to the endgame content, things will change pretty significantly-but that's only if you want to keep going. You'll be required to do the dungeons and primals via the Duty Finder, but even that's something you can do on your own without help from anyone else. You can get to the level 50 cap almost entirely soloing. You should be able to safely leave that at the door here. The trouble a lot of people run into is wanting to get into the game but dealing with any amount of anxiety on being able to commit to doing content with others due to personal schedules. It's not too difficult and has a focus on its story as can be expected from a Final Fantasy game.

I'm writing this as a quick training-wheels guide for people who may have a small-to-large interest in joining to play the game, even if it's not with us.Ĭommonly Asked Questions Q: How is the leveling in this game? I don't have a lot of time!įFXIV might be just the MMO for you then! The way they've built the base vanilla game is a traditional themepark MMO. The wait is almost over.As the usual cycle goes, we're set to have a large influx of new people lost and looking for ways to either join us in playing or just general questions to aid their enjoyment of the game.

With the power of the PlayStation®5 behind us, we're looking to take you on a seamless, story-driven, white-knuckle ride that will rival even the most thrilling roller-coaster. I, for one, would like to personally thank them for all the hard work they've put into the project. The team, under direction of Hiroshi Takai, has entered the final leg of development and is focusing on polish as they continue their march toward master up and launch. Not to mention epic clashes between the Eikons themselves that put you right in the action.
In previous interviews and updates, we didn't delve too deep into details about the game system, but hopefully with this preview, you all were able to get a better picture of what actual gameplay will entail-namely, high-octane battles featuring our protagonist Clive Rosfield wielding a full arsenal of attacks unique to the game's many Eikons (summons). I know how long you have been waiting for this, so it gives me great pleasure to announce the release of our latest trailer "Dominance."